Feb 23, 2012

White Chocolate Craisin Oatmeal Cookies

No fancy pictures of an egg casting a midday's shadow on a pile of flour...just a delicious recipe.

White Chocolate Craisin Oatmeal Cookies
1/3 c butter, softened (not melted, that's a beginner's mistake. don't do that. you're better than that.)
2/3 c brown sugar
2 large eggs
1.5 c oats
1.5 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
3/4 c craisins
1 c white chocolate chips

Oven at 375F.
Mix butter and sugar till pale and fluffy.
Add eggs and mix well.
Separate bowl: flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.
Stir in flour mixture in three batches.
Stir in white chocolate pieces and craisins.
Mold into little chubby discs on ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake for 8 minutes and check in on them.
Once you see a little golden color on the edge, pull them babies out!

 Dipped in a nice, cold glass of almond milk...wooo, yes ma'am!!

Feb 19, 2012


So I have seen infinity scarves that I absolutely love but because of the way they are made I just couldn't justify dropping 80 bones on one. So I ventured out to make my own, only took me six months of having a bag full of the materials in my closet to actually break it out and begin my project.
 Finished Product

 So I started out by just grabbing some cotton material at JoAnn Fabrics. Now I spent time making sure that when I pulled the cut side of the fabric that when I released it it would roll over itself. Because there were so few that resulted that way I had limited color options. (Fart noise) So I opted for a regulah-old blue and a dark blue (not pictured). Thankfully the regular blue actually was sold in a tube shape so I didn't have to sew any ends together.
Fold the material so that the cut end lines up
Using nice, sharp scissors cut a little over an inch wide strip of material.
I used the tip of my thumb as a rough guide. 
Because we're curling the material there's no need for perfection.

After you have cut your strip, stretch the material out to about twice its normal length. 
After you let go the material should roll onto itself and make a curled over loop.
Hang your loops on a hanger until you've achieved the volume you want, 
keeping in mind that you'll be folding your loops over your neck twice.

Annnd then wear it to breakfast and make it smell like grease...

Feb 16, 2012

Hellooooooo NURSE!!!!

Things I would do to have this dress:
  • punch a baby
  • punch two babies
  • lick the side of a dumpster
  • sleep in a port-a-potty on a hot summer night
  • pull out a healthy fingernail
  • shave my head (worst than it sounds bc I'd look like Chunk from the Goonies with no hair)
  • share a chapstick with a prostitute
  • tongue bathe an animal of your choosing
...i want it that bad.

Feb 13, 2012

An introduction to "654"

So I am so lucky to have an amazing friend and room mate. We just feed off each other and it's resulted in me peeing my pants in laughter, literally. So we have lived together for the last, uhhh, seven (?) months and it's been a ridiculous road of hysterical laughs. Last night consisted of us "studying" for our tests.
"Studying"- jamming out, in our Sunday's laziest pajamas of course, to Ryan Cabrera and planning our music video to one of his songs. It went to the extent of us running downstairs (like old school, 'sleepover at your friend's house' run) to find my dad's guitar for the scene where we'd be sitting on a stool in the middle of our snow laden backyard and belting out "I KNOW your right around the corner, you're right around the cornerrrr (epic pause) It's not enough." After recovering from laughter we put clothes suitable for public viewing and went out to sushi. Now we brought our study materials with us however our study time was saturated with us speaking in British accents about an imaginary situation. What? You wanna know what the situation was? Well, I'll tell you. It involved me going to school, a girl parking too close to my car, so I pooped in a plastic bag I had in my car and then smeared it in her car door handle just to ruin her evening.
Reminder: That situation was IMAGINARY, hilariously imaginary.

So incredibly HOT...like sick with the flu hot.
I had a great Sunday with the turd of a room mate I call Christina.

Christina & I
Adios from "654"

Feb 9, 2012

One pube sandwich please!

SO, I have long days at school so I pack myself a little lunch and munch on it usually while printing notes or doing school work at the computer lab. Well today I had myself the most delightful pb&j with a cut up apple and a healthy dose of Cheez Its. And lucky me, to my delight I notice a thick pube hanging out right where my hands having been laying when they weren't busy stuffing my face...

...Isn't it glorious, just shining in the light (BARF!!!).

Feb 6, 2012


(singing) First blog EVERRRR!!!! I sing my sentences a lot, poorly sung but I still find it charming. Yes, I find myself charming.

Mmkay, so my name is Lindsey.

(long pause to reflect on how many pictures I have of myself in "Rubber face" and no quality pictures to make an awesome impression on potential blog readers...eek.) 
But Heyyyy....hope you enjoy that lovely self portrait. Like I said, charming.

I am currently knocking out my Bachelor's degree in Biology at a college in Buffalo. 
I'll be done May 2012, wha whaaa!?!?
Afterwards I am packing up my Jeep and two boys...
 ...Yep, that's my pups: Benny and Elwood....and I'm moving back to
Louisiana to start my life with my smokin' hot man...
Mmm, just makes me moist (in my mouth PERV!!)...
Is it weird that my attempted joke suggested that I salivate over pictures of my man??

Ok so my game plan is not to replicate the blogs that I follow 
(how annoying is that, right? same thing over and over again)
but to document things I encounter and expose them, Doogie Howser style. 

Hope you ENJOY!!
if you don't, you can go eat a turd!